
Margaret Beissinger

Ch. 1:
Music, Dance, Performance: A Descriptive Analysis of Manele
Anca Giurchescu & Speranța Rădulescu

Ch. 2:
A History of the Manea: The 19th to the Mid-20th Century
Costin Moisil

Ch. 3:
How the Music of Manele is Structured
Speranța Rădulescu

Ch. 4:
Romanian Manele and Regional Parallels: "Oriental" Ethnopop in the Balkans
Margaret Beissinger

Ch. 5:
Actors and Performance
Speranța Rădulescu

Ch. 6:
The "Boyar in the Helicopter": Power, Parody, and Carnival in Manea Performances
Victor Alexandre Stoichita

Ch. 7:
Manele and the Underworld
Adrian Schiop

Ch. 8:
Village Manele: An Urban Genre in Rural Romania
Margaret Beissinger

Ch. 9:
Turbo-Authenticity: An Essay about "Manelism"
Vintilă Mihăilescu

Speranța Rădulescu

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Chapter 2:

A History of the Manea: The 19th to the Mid-20th Century

Costin Moisil

This chapter presents a discussion of the historic roots of manele. Having accumulated sentimental Ottoman musical elements from the court music of the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, manele comprised the music of the aristocracy at the beginning of the nineteenth century when the Romanian Principalities were still under Ottoman suzerainty. The genre gradually disappeared from the public in the era of nationalism (latter nineteenth and early twentieth centuries) and reappeared as a totally innovative and dynamic form toward the end of the twentieth century--the reflection of a new society and result of the fusion of Balkan musical forms. In this stage of their development, manele were entirely distinct from the elite world and instead became the preferred music of youth as well as two categories of "marginalized" communities: people within the underworld (that had emerged in post-1989 Romania) and the poor and underprivileged.


Example 2.1         Inima-n mine de dor s’ăncingie [My Heart burns with longing], "In the style of Turkish manele." Song 176, ms. Rom 3497 from the Romanian Academy Library, 333–35 (f. 184–85). Scribe: Gheorghe Ucenescu, Braşov (1875–77).

Inima-n mine de dor s’ăncingie
Arde, arde, nu să stingie
Flacără mare rău mă-npresoară
Focul durerii rău mă doboară.
Refren: Ah, fie-ţi milă, soro, de mine
Că mi-e nădejdea numai la tine!
My heart burns with longing
It burns and burns, its fire is not quenched.
A huge flame besets me
The fire of pain brings me down.
Refrain: Ah sister, have mercy on me
For my hope lies only with you!

Turkish manea

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