
Margaret Beissinger

Ch. 1:
Music, Dance, Performance: A Descriptive Analysis of Manele
Anca Giurchescu & Speranța Rădulescu

Ch. 2:
A History of the Manea: The 19th to the Mid-20th Century
Costin Moisil

Ch. 3:
How the Music of Manele is Structured
Speranța Rădulescu

Ch. 4:
Romanian Manele and Regional Parallels: "Oriental" Ethnopop in the Balkans
Margaret Beissinger

Ch. 5:
Actors and Performance
Speranța Rădulescu

Ch. 6:
The "Boyar in the Helicopter": Power, Parody, and Carnival in Manea Performances
Victor Alexandre Stoichita

Ch. 7:
Manele and the Underworld
Adrian Schiop

Ch. 8:
Village Manele: An Urban Genre in Rural Romania
Margaret Beissinger

Ch. 9:
Turbo-Authenticity: An Essay about "Manelism"
Vintilă Mihăilescu

Speranța Rădulescu

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Chapter 7:

Manele and the Underworld

Adrian Schiop

This chapter, written by a freelance journalist and recent Ph.D. in Anthropology (National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest) who is a passionate devotee of manele, treats the dynamism as well as brutal and expressive authenticity of the genre. The analysis benefits from the author’s infiltration of the normally impenetrable universe of those who produce and diffuse manele thus permitting him to decipher the veiled relationships between manelişti and those who exploit the economic situation of present-day Romania--the underworld and nouveau-riches. The chapter combines anthropological research and theory with interpretive methods of journalism.

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Web design: Rodica Oltean